
CMA In Chorionic Villus Sample (LD)


Chromosomal Microarray Analysis (CMA) or Microarray is a whole genome test available to detect a wide range of genetic syndromes caused by microdeletions and duplications in the genone. Microarray scans the entire genome at very high resolution using DNA from the individual and provides information on thousands of genes in a single test. It can precisely define which genes are missing or extra.

This test is done using ‘Low Definition’ (LD) or ‘Low Resolution’ chips and provides the adequate coverage and clarity across the genome. The low resolution chips can help diagnose and/or rule out the common microdeletion/duplication syndromes.


Chromosomal Microarray (CMA).


Gynecology, Fetal Medicine, IVF.


Abormal Maternal Serum Screening, Ultrasound Abnormalities, Nuchal Translucency, Previous child with genetic abnormality


20 days

Specimen Requirements:

Sterile tube with rinse media, 15-20 mg tissue

Test Code:


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Maternal / Prenatal Screening

Pre-eclampsia Screening and Diagnosis

Prenatal Diagnosis

Non Invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS)